Stars & Stripes Park
Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Our client simply stated that they would like to create a park to celebrate veterans and what if there was a celestial element , maybe a sun dial. This was the GENESIS of a truly unique park featuring two special public plazas orbiting through the site and connected via a pedestrian promenade – meteoric like – piercing through the parking fields.
Stars and Stripes Plaza, showcases two large custom etched stars which showcase the words and experiences of our own first responders and veterans from over a 150 interviews as well as a symbolic ‘stripes’ wave like wall – all of which come to life to through illumination to celebrate these hometown heroes at night.
The Celestial Plaza features a twenty foot tall interactive sun dial in its center with each of the planets radiating outward from it. The inner planets form an intimate outdoor classroom area as the remaining planets extend outward across the galactic lawn – if you look closely, we even included Pluto (yes – he is still a planet to us).

Lucido & Associates provided conceptual planning and visioning, governmental entitlement, landscape and hardscape design, animation services.
Design and fabrication of Stars, Stripes and Sundial by Creative Machines, Tucson, AZ.